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Early in 2022 Abergavenny Baptist Church (ABC) set up its first Eco Group to examine ways in which our church can better support the environment and be more sustainable in its everyday activities. The group of volunteers meets every few months to plan action and discuss progress.

We believe stewardship of the environment and caring for God’s amazing Creation is part of our mission and duty and is an integral part of loving our neighbours and following God faithfully. Here at ABC, caring for God’s World is included in our teaching and our prayers, praying for relief from the consequences of environmental issues such as climate change on a regular basis. Topics related to Caring for our World are discussed in our youth and children’s groups in an age-appropriate way.

We have started to make changes to our church building to make better use of God’s resources, (within the limitations of being in a listed property!): monitoring our energy consumption, using energy efficient lighting where possible and using electricity generated from renewable resources. When carrying out improvements to our church and other buildings we consider the environmental impact. Environmentally friendly products are used where possible - recycled paper for printing and Fairtrade products in our kitchen; cycling or walking to church is encouraged where possible and new bicycle racks have been installed.

These are only very small steps but as part of our commitment we are working towards the Eco Church Award scheme accredited by A Rocha UK for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth. The scheme works by measuring performance across a broad spectrum to see how much we as a church are doing to play our part in caring for the environment.

We have recently produced a local recycling directory which we hope will be useful for both those attending our church and also the Abergavenny community. Items are listed alphabetically indicating where they can be recycled locally. Please take a look – you may be surprised how much more you can do to reduce the amount of waste which goes to landfill.

Thank you for reading - please do get in touch, by emailing, if you have any questions or are interested in being part of this important work. 

To download our Recycling Directory for Abergavenny, please click here.

Eco Church Group

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© Abergavenny Baptist Church 2023

Registered Charity number: 1194889

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